nuutok on-premises Private 5G Edge Cloud takes compute capacity to where the traffic is.
It is offering flexibility that is needed to enable modern agile business opportunities with secured and high-availability services.
Cloud computing is transforming the telecoms landscape, offering flexibility that is needed to enable modern agile business opportunities with secured and high-availability services.
Cloud capabilities must be distributed across the network to form an edge cloud, which places computing resources where the traffic is—at the edge of the network.
The arrival of 5G will make edge computing essential rather than optional. The 5G network’s speed should be 10 times faster than what the 4G network allows. That increase in real-time processing will require new technologies with enhanced capabilities.
The edge cloud will be a fundamental asset for service providers to support new services and applications. It will also open the gateway to new vertical market opportunities. The industry needs to start preparing and implementing edge infrastructure now to address these business opportunities and be ready for the next evolutionary steps of their networks, including 5G.
nuuEdge Cloud, nuutok edge cloud solution, is a real-time optimized edge cloud infrastructure, based on Linux Ubuntu distribution, that can run on any physical server. It provides the performance and low latency required by any application or data workload.
In terms of security, edge cloud has to be much more efficient than centralized datacentres.
nuutok’s Smart Private Cloud uses a distributed model ofsecurity versus the current model in which security is applied centrally in adatacenter or only through a secure gateway. nuutok’s security is managed fromeach on-premises server and applied to the servers themselves, their deployedlocal networks and Internet gateways, and the devices connecting each of them.
nuutok on-premises edgeprivate cloud is 5G-ready!
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